With our partners Agfa, Sony, aweronet-medical we offer a wide product portfolio. In corporation with Sony we have been able to implement many projects regarding OR image management solution and streaming technology in recent years. We work with a German company in the area of operating tables, anesthesia equipment and other medical products. Since the beginning of the Corona crisis, they have been our exclusive partner for the Austrian, French, Italian and Spanish markets with its rapid test offered on the European market. Our international network enables us on both the buyer and seller side to work on major international projects in the field of masks, gloves and other medical products that have arisen due to the Corona crisis.
We also distribute the products of Tiani Spirit www.tiani-spirit.com, our partner for IHE www.ihe.net based electronic healthrecord solutions, for the global market.
MEDBest and Tiani Spirit founded the company health-net https://www.health-net.at, a private provider for the medical health record in Europe supporting private hospitals and institutions!
MEDBest GmbH
K. Elisabethstrasse 23
A-2340 Mödling
Telefon: 0043 (0)660 73 51 409
E-Mail-Adresse: office@medbest.at
Internet: www.medbest.at